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      In February this year, China successfully launched its first manufacturing satellite, dongfanghong-1, in Jiuquan. China became the fifth country to launch a satellite. In November, China successfully launched its first recoverable satellite.

      A few days after its successful return, China became the third country in the world to master satellite recovery technology. The long march rocket began to enter the international market in November. Several hours after its successful landing, China's first unmanned experimental spacecraft, Shenzhou, took off in Jiuquan.

      Xinhua News Agency Hohhot on January 1 (Reporter Lin Hui) in March this year, China developed the "shenzhou-2" unmanned spacecraft at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, and successfully launched it at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on April 1“ Shenzhou-3 and Shenzhou-3 successfully landed in the central part of Inner Mongolia from December to January. Four unmanned Shenzhou spaceships were successfully launched at minus centigrade and returned safely at the end of January after flying for several days. The "Shenzhou" spacecraft landed in four scheduled areas in central Inner Mongolia, and successfully resumed the launch of Shenzhou-4 unmanned spacecraft in Jiuquan Satellite in October At the launch center, Yang Liwei, China's first astronaut, entered space on Shenzhou-5 spacecraft.

      In October, astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, who realized the Chinese nation's Millennium dream, will fly in space and travel in space. In recent days, in order to complete a series of space experiments safely, the ground summary is as follows: from to six years, six spaceships, six leaps, China's manned space flight The speed and efficiency of flight shocked the world and inspired hundreds of millions of Chinese people. In the past six years, six spaceships and six breakthroughs, China Aerospace created the rapid high jump of China's manned space flight with wisdom and efforts and lack of material and technical basis.


      今年2月,我國自行設計試驗液體燃料火箭成功發(fā)射首顆制造業(yè)首顆衛星“東方紅”一號在酒泉成功發(fā)射,中國成為第五個(gè)發(fā)射衛星的國家11月中國第一顆可回收衛星成功發(fā)射,在成功返回幾天后,中國成為世界上第三個(gè)掌握衛星回收技術(shù)的國家。長(cháng)征號火箭于11月開(kāi)始向國際市場(chǎng)進(jìn)軍,在成功著(zhù)陸數小時(shí)后,中國第一艘無(wú)人駕駛實(shí)驗飛船“神舟”飛船在酒泉升空新華網(wǎng)呼和浩特1月1日專(zhuān)電(記者林暉)今年3月,中國在酒泉衛星發(fā)射中心研制了“神舟”二號無(wú)人飛船,4月1日在酒泉衛星發(fā)射中心成功發(fā)射了“神舟三號”,“神舟”三號飛船于12月至1月成功降落內蒙古中部地區4艘無(wú)人駕駛神舟飛船于零下攝氏度低溫下成功發(fā)射升空,并于飛行數天后1月底下午安全返回,“神舟”飛船在內蒙古中部四個(gè)預定區域著(zhù)陸,順利恢復12月“神舟”四號無(wú)人飛船10月在酒泉衛星發(fā)射中心舉行,中國首位航天員楊利偉搭乘神舟五號飛船進(jìn)入太空,10月實(shí)現中華民族千年夢(mèng)想的航天員費俊龍、聶海生乘坐神舟六號飛船將在太空飛行,并進(jìn)行太空旅行連日來(lái),為安全完成一系列空間實(shí)驗地面總結:從到六年,六艘飛船,六次飛躍,中國載人航天飛行的速度和效率,震驚世界,令億萬(wàn)中國人民深受鼓舞,自豪的六年,六艘飛船,六次突破,中國航天以智慧和努力,缺乏物質(zhì)基礎和技術(shù)基礎,創(chuàng )造了中國載人航天快速跳高。


      In October, China's first manned spacecraft was launched from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Gansu Province, Northwest China. A large amount of orange flame was emitted. The white Long March 2F rocket carrying Shenzhou-5 spacecraft and Yang Liwei, China's first astronaut, flew into the sky magnificently, gradually becoming a bright ball and the largest developing country in the world China is very proud of its contribution to the exploration of outer space.

      At the same time, it will also become an important driving force for national economic and social development. The successful launch of Shenzhou-5 has opened a new page in China's space history, and the development of China's space industry will also turn over.


      “點(diǎn)火一號”10月,中國第一艘載人飛船從位于中國西北部甘肅省的酒泉衛星發(fā)射中心發(fā)射升空,噴出大量橙色火焰,搭載“神舟五號”飛船和中國第一位航天員楊利偉的白色長(cháng)征二號F火箭壯麗地飛向天空,逐漸成為一顆璀璨的圓球,成為世界上最大的發(fā)展中國家,中國為人類(lèi)的外層空間探索做出了自己的貢獻,感到無(wú)比自豪。同時(shí),它也將成為國家經(jīng)濟和社會(huì )發(fā)展的重要推動(dòng)力。神舟五號的成功發(fā)射,開(kāi)創(chuàng )了中國航天史上新的一頁(yè),中國航天事業(yè)的發(fā)展也將由此翻開(kāi)。

      天宮課堂第一課英語(yǔ)作文寫(xiě)作素材:China's space development

      China's space industry was founded in. After China's space industry created a miracle, China successfully launched its first man-made earth satellite, becoming the fifth country in the world to independently develop artificial earth satellites. China began to implement the manned space program.

      China's manned space project successfully launched the Shenzhou-5 manned spacecraft, making China the third country to launch a manned spacecraft, The launch of Chang'e-1 has become the first man-made moon satellite in Shenzhou, the fifth manned spacecraft successfully launched, laying the foundation for the development of China's space station.


      中國航天事業(yè)創(chuàng )建于年,中國航天事業(yè)創(chuàng )造了奇跡后,中國成功發(fā)射了第一顆人造地球衛星,成為世界上第五個(gè)自主研發(fā)人造地球衛星的國家,我國開(kāi)始實(shí)施載人航天計劃中國載人航天工程成功發(fā)射“神舟五號”載人飛船,使我國成為第三個(gè)發(fā)射載人飛船的國家,“嫦娥一號”發(fā)射升空,成為成功發(fā)射的第五艘載人飛船“神舟”中的第一顆人造月球衛星,為中國空間站的發(fā)展奠定基礎。



